Creativity thrives through collaboration. Warhol had The Factory and Tolkien had The Inklings. We know it’s not a new idea, but you’ll quickly see we do things differently.

We live in a space between a traditional commercial production company and a full-service advertising agency. As a creative collective, we provide access to the right people, resources and production capabilities. It’s that sweet spot of the production company feeling combined with an agency’s creativity, account management and ability to bring a commercial to market that is our big difference. Oh, and we do it all without sticking you with bloated overhead costs that makes everything so contentious. No big deal.

Time is our currency

We run fast. That’s what happens when you come from the documentary world. From concepting and pre-production to production and post, we use a battle-tested set of processes that have been honed in the fields of broadcast, cable, film and live action. Some clients call us nimble and efficient. We call it Tuesday.

From good to great

Great ideas aren’t born, they’re nurtured. Taking an idea from good to great requires a shared vision and sweat equity. We work tirelessly to hone an idea and bring it to life in a way that feels organic and thoughtful. That’s what we get paid to do and how we bring home the bacon.

Words matter

There's an old adage that says "If you talked to people the way advertising talked to people, they'd punch you in the face." At JackDot, we stand united and have all agreed to not be in the face-punching business.

Instead, we believe copy in a commercial should be held to a higher standard than simply being able to turn a phrase. People are just too smart now, too jaded by a lifetime of being subjected to sub par advertising. That's why we obsess about words and celebrate authentic dialogue. Our hope is to eliminate the advertising black eye that is bad copy.

Screens on screens on screens

We love film. In fact, most of us started shooting on celluloid, constantly anticipating the producer swinging by to say that we only have a certain number of feet left before we go into overage. Admittedly, it took us a bit to get over ourselves and give up the good fight for film, but we’ve embraced the digital normal and have since created numerous films and commercials across TV, cinema, mobile and VR.

We’ve learned that delivering the right message across the right screen is how we can build a connection, and that’s the whole reason we got into this business in the first place.